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children's choir

psalms 68:4

Mt. Zion Fellowship’s Children’s Choir is a group of youth ages 5 – 12 who are learning how to praise and worship the Lord through song.

If you would like to join this ministry, please contact Sister Ra-Deon Sledge at 216-292-3131.


childrens church

2 timothy 4:2

In the children’s church ministry, we prepare young people for the adult worship service by taking Christian concepts and making them applicable to different age appropriate groups; thus, making the word of God come alive to their world.

If you would like to join this ministry, please contact Deacon Rick Sledge at 216-292-3131.



proverbs 22:6

Do you love the little ones? The nursery ministry shares the love of God with our Mount Zion Fellowship children during the worship services on Sunday mornings and Wednesday evenings.

If you would like to join this ministry, please contact Sister Hallie Johnson at 216-292-3131.


youth greeters

habakkuk 2:1

The mission of the Youth Greeter Ministry is to joyfully welcome and seat the parishioners while keeping order in the house of the Lord. As the young people serve in this ministry they will learn to approach people with a Christian attitude, and to handle disturbances with Christ-like love.

If you would like to join this ministry, please contact Sister Valerie Dudley at 216-292-3131.


youth praise dancers

ecclesiastes 3:4

This ministry has the awesome responsibility of being able to project, magnify and capture the different aspects of the worship service so that the parishioners may be better able to experience the presence of God live and/or see and hear it later.

If you would like to join this ministry, please contact Elder Al Rawls at 216-292-3131.


youth sunday school teachers

timothy 4:2

Do you love the Word of God? Do you love young people? Are you able to take the Word of God and break it down, in such a way, that children and teenagers can understand it? Are you able to speak into the lives of our young people in a manner that they can hear and relate to what you are saying? This is what we do in our Youth Sunday School department.

If you would like to join this ministry, please contact Elder Aquila Minor at 216-292-3131.




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